von SDSN | 31/12/24 | Aktuell
Wir suchen eine dynamische und teamorientierte Persönlichkeit als Leiter:in Organisationsmanagement und Finanzen (30-50%).
von SDSN | 02/10/24 | Aktuell
The people have voted and said No to the national biodiversity initiative. While this decision must be respected, the progressive loss of biodiversity continues to threaten the basis of human existence and economic performance, as written in the federal country report...
von SDSN | 23/11/23 | Archiv
Next month, the newly elected Swiss parliament will meet for its first sessions. This, as we know, with some changes in party strengths, in particular more seats for the SVP/UDC and fewer for the Green Party and the Green Liberal Party.
von SDSN | 24/10/23 | Publikationen Extern ohne Bild
EPFL / International Risk Governance Center
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