
World Happiness Report 2025
The new World Happiness Report is out, published by the UN SDSN and Gallup. Switzerland dropped out of the 10 happiest countries - from rank 3...

Stellenangebot: Finance & Office Manager:in
Unser engagiertes Team sucht eine dynamische und teamorientierte Persönlichkeit als Finance & Office Manager:in (30-50%).

Introducing UN SDSN
Learn more about the world’s largest knowledge network for sustainable development. The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN)...

On the road to a sustainable food system – Newsletter October 2024
The people have voted and said No to the national biodiversity initiative. While this decision must be respected, the progressive loss of...
News Archiv

Medienhinweis: Geschäftsmodelle für einen gesunden Planeten
Unternehmerische Entwicklung hat das Potenzial, einen positiven Effekt auf die Natur, die Gesellschaft und die Wirtschaft zu erzeugen. Das Institut...

World Happiness Report: Well-being among young people in Western Europe is decreasing
The World Happiness Report 2024 not only provides the annual happiness ranking between countries but also gives a comprehensive picture of...

Building bridges across ideological boundaries – Newsletter November 2023
Next month, the newly elected Swiss parliament will meet for its first sessions. This, as we know, with some changes in party strengths, in...

Medienmitteilung: Halbzeit Agenda 2030 – Bei keinem Nachhaltigkeitsziel auf Kurs
Eine nachhaltige Entwicklung könnte Krisen verhindern und unsere Sicherheit erhöhen. Doch um die UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu erreichen, bräuchte es...

Medienmitteilung: Schweiz und Welt drohen Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu verpassen
Die Schweiz fällt im neusten «Sustainable Development Report» von UN SDSN zurück auf Platz 15. In etlichen Bereichen gibt es zwar Fortschritte, doch...

At the mid-point for the SDGs – Newsletter June 2023
Midway through the 2015-2030 window in which the SDGs should be achieved, the world is not on track.

Nachhaltige Unternehmen brauchen rechtliche Klarheit
Was sind nachhaltige Unternehmen? Das ist in der Schweiz bislang rechtlich nicht geklärt. An einem parlamentarischen Anlass mit B-Lab und SDSN wurde...

Sustainable well-being – Newsletter March 2023
In our latest newsletter, we talk about well-being globally and in Switzerland and about our efforts to...

Medienmitteilung: Weltglücksbericht – Schweiz auf dem achten Platz
Die glücklichsten Länder der Welt sind Finnland, Dänemark und Island. Die Schweiz liegt auf Platz acht. Das geht aus dem World Happiness Report 2023...

Habits for the future – Newsletter January 2023
After the festive season, we suggest giving some thought to our own eating habits and those of society.

Wertvoller Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Bürger:innenrat
Am 29. November 2022 trafen sich in Bern Teilnehmende des Bürger:innenrats für Ernährungspolitik, Mitglieder aus National- und Ständerat sowie...

Medienmitteilung: So möchte der Bürger:innenrat die Zukunft der Ernährungspolitik gestalten
Am Sonntag kam der erste nationale Bürger:innenrat der Schweiz zum Abschluss. Die Empfehlungen, die nun vorliegen, könnten die Ernährungspolitik der...

BAFU spricht Klartext: Fussabdruck der Schweiz muss zwei Drittel kleiner werden
Die Umweltbelastung der Schweiz ist von 2000 bis 2018 zwar gesunken, liegt aber immer noch weit über den Belastungsgrenzen der Erde.

Sustainability Science Dialogue: New research challenges for sustainable development? – 27.10.2022
At this event, we will discuss the role of science 30 years after ‘Rio’...

Food on the Agenda – Newsletter September 2022
Join the members of the citizens' assembly on food policy on their learning journeys and learn about the latest reports on sustainable development.

Human Development Goes Down
Since the UN began to report on the Human Development Index in 1990, a steady upwards trend of the Index was to be observed. That held on for nearly...

Medienmitteilung: Länderbericht Agenda 2030
Heute präsentiert die Schweiz der UNO den Länderbericht des Bundesrats zur Umsetzung der Agenda 2030. Was dieser nicht zeigt: Das Tempo ist zu...

Sustainable Development Report 2022
For the second year in a row, the world is no longer making progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is one of the main findings...

Our network is growing: Newsletter June 2022
In May, Switzerland’s first national citizens’ assembly was announced with SDSN Switzerland as part of the project. Furthermore, we have a new...

Citizens’ assembly on the future of food
In Switzerland’s first national citizens’ assembly, SDSN listens to consumers when it comes to our future of...

Medienmitteilung: Gründung Expert Panel
Die Schweiz hat sich 2015 verpflichtet, ihren Beitrag zum Erreichen der UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung...

Newsletter January 2022
The SDSN Network and our team have been busy through the last months of 2021, amplifying voices and actions...

Media Release Establishment of the Parliamentary Group on Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs)
In 2015, Switzerland committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Soon it will be half-time and...

IFF conference media release
At the invitation of SDSN Switzerland and several research institutes, a conference on illicit financial flows in commodity trading was held at the...

Newsletter September 2021
Switzerland is falling more and more behind in reaching the SDGs and we all know this is not something any...

SDSN Media Release Federal Council Strategy 2030
The Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 and an action plan were adopted by the Federal Council. The Federal Council is relying on voluntary action...

Newsletter June 2021
Our Newsletter June 2021 is out! Discover now, why all panelists from the “9, 8, 7… #CountdownAgenda 2030»...

SDSN at SCNAT Event #CountdownAgenda2030
SDSN Switzerland Co-Director Carole Küng discussed solutions for «energy - biodiversity – nutrition» on the...

Media release: Seize the moment – Switzerland’s opportunity for a sustainable future
Switzerland needs an effective Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 of the Federal Council.

Newsletter February 2021
Global urgency requires Swiss Leadership! Read why the Swiss 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy is not...

Newsletter December 2020
Our December newsletter is out! Read about the latest news and exciting events from our community.

Newsletter September 2020
Our September newsletter is out! Read about the latest news and exciting events from our community.

Measuring progress towards the SDGs
We organise this Road to Bern event in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.

Newsletter June 2020
Our June newsletter is out! Read about the latest news and exciting events from our community.

SDSN Switzerland & NRP 73 Online Series
Transformational change is required to achieve the 2030 Agenda and reach the 17 Sustainable Development Goals...

Newsletter March 2020
Our March newsletter is out! Read about the latest news and exciting events from our community.

SDSN Switzerland Assembly 2020
Members and partners met in Bern to explore, in the form of a market place, how to cooperate for achving the...

Newsletter December 2019
Our December newsletter is out! Read about the latest news and exciting events from our community.

Newsletter September 2019
Our September newsletter is out! Read about the latest news and exciting events from our community.

Der Weltnachhaltigkeitsbericht und die Schweiz
Der neue Weltnachhaltigkeitsbericht (Global Sustainable Development Report, GSDR) zeigt eindrücklich die rasante und dynamische weltweite...

Neue Entwicklungs- und Zusammenarbeit und die SDGs
Die SDGs sind eine Chance, die internationale Zusammenarbeit auf die globalen Herausforderungen auszurichten....

Newsletter June 2019
Our June newsletter is out! Read about the latest news and exciting events from our community.

Newsletter March 2019
Our March newsletter is out! Read about the latest news and exciting events from our community.

Newsletter January 2019
Our first newsletter in 2019 is out! Read about the latest news and exciting events from our community.

Newsletter October 2018
Our October newsletter is out! Keep up to date with news and events from our community.

Newsletter August 2018
Our August newsletter is out! Keep up to date with news and events from our community.

Newsletter April 2018
Stay informed and read our current newsletter from April 2018.

Kick-off meeting for sustainable Switzerland
The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) - an initiative initiated by the previous UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2012 - appointed...